Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine's Day, A Commercial Success

I was once a pimpled faced teenager who took note about the value of Valentine's Day. Eager to please this girl in high school, I spent my hard earned monthly allowance on items that would surely melt a girl's heart before it decayed and wilted away itself.....

Millions if not billions of people on this auspicious non-holiday embrace it warmly as if needing another reason to express one's love for their significant other. What happened to the other 364 or 366 days that is not Valentine's Day? Why do we pay so much emphasis; that we MUST love and care of each other ONLY on this day?

You know who loves us, YOU? The florists, the restaurants that only serve set meals, the teddy bear makers, gift shops, card shops....the list is endless. And for one bloody day a year, governments all over the world allow these entrepreneurs to slit our throats for roses and chocolates.

I too am guilty for involving myself in this well orchestrated conspiracy by the world's florists and greeting card makers. But you can actually not be one of the herd, by taking the red pill, and waking up!!!

Love the person in your life! Tell them that you don't need one day of the year to express how you feel. You love them unconditionally 365/366 days a year and you're sure as hell don't need one special day for it. And if they throw a hissy fit and are not pleased that you didn’t do a godamn thing on Valentine's Day, DUMP EM and move on. SERIOUSLY dump them!

I urge you all who read this (4-5 of you, and hopefully more) to not partake in such folly and to instead make dinner, make paper flowers, or even give that special someone a great big hug, or even bake cookies for your sweetness, speaking of which don't get me started about Sweetest Day........


Unknown said...

you are damn lucky your wife does not subscribe to this commercial madness as well... otherwise there will be hell to pay.. lucky lucky man! ;)

also, where's my paper flowers?

Unknown said...

Jerry!!...hahahah...U wrote that ah..